Monday, May 30, 2011

Pictures, then words.


When you find an old song you used you be so in love with


At first you’re like:


Then you’re getting your groove on like you used to:


You start singing every single word like you just heard it yesterday:


Then you start reminiscing on how great music was back then:


You start to miss how the artist used to be:


You start listening to more old songs by your favorite artists:


You wish you could go back in time and bring the good music back:


One of my favorite HIMYM moments! :)

Going for a haircut tomorrow! So tempted to shred my hair off, but I had short hair more than half my life, so forget that :(
I want to write a song, haven't written a proper one in a while now. An idea sprung on me today, when I was in school. It was something that came from seeing everybody so down under.
Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up early and go for a run (yeah, I just decided that two seconds ago). Then I'll come home and make breakfast and try to do my addmaths work. I will sit down and read, and tumblr a bit. After that, I guess I'll.. um, get ready to go out and get my haircut before tuition :)