I love you three.
May I never cry again.
(.. impossible, HAHA)
Fateemah spotted me before I started crying, and because she asked, I started crying. Reena held my hand and comforted me, and I'm proud of myself, 'cuz it always happens that it takes less than 10 minutes for me to get myself together, while I stayed quiet for a moment. YY cheered me up after that.
But I decided to stay quiet.
I feel better this way.
And no, I don't really wanna talk about how bullshitty some people are. (Just SOME larh, ntah larhh you ade dlm list tu ker x.. actually, i xde list weii. I just know ade org buat saya boh song kjap2.)
I'd cried a couple of times over the course of this week. But I've managed to keep it together in front of other human beings. Ran out after koko the other day because I was about to rip my heart out so I wouldn't have to cry it out, and I cried, and walked home, and cried, and did three rounds around Tanjung to work it out of my system.. but it didn't get out of system. I cried. And cried. Until I got tired, and I went to bed.
That's all very depressing, but who cares.
You don't. So why f***ing should I?
Either way, I hope you guys are doing alright. And I'll always have this corner in my heart, no matter how dark and filthy it might've gotten, for you :)
God, does sarcasm feel great!
Well, you know who you are. And if you're not, don't jump to conclusions about me being nasty. You are nasty, not me.
Credit for making my good day's to: Farhan, Nurin, Hani, Azman, Luqman, Nabilah & Is & Rash, Nadiah Midy. ♥
And mama. Hahahahha, she finds this amusing, I'm sure of it, my silent oath.
(Though just because you didn't make my list doesn't necessarily mean you're nasty, just that, well, you didn't make my day.)
And that, was the rant of the day. ;)
Love all,